May 17, 2018
“Rheumatology is waiting for the colonoscopy results in hopes of a diagnosis of either seronegative rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease. My new to me internist has been helpful in getting a few more studies. Fluid from my elbow revealed a high white blood cell count. No crystals or bacteria though. Thank you for any help you can offer.”
Many people in Waynesboro and on the massage therapy circuit know Ernie’s dedication to the service he provides in his community. He is asking for help at this time, because an imbalance in his system has compromised his livelihood. He is exploring treatment options, and at this time does not know what is causing the problem, in spite of diagnostic tests. He is piecing together economic strategies like house-sitting, and airBnB, and turning to family, friends, and caring members of his community for help in overcoming this challenge.